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嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇1


歡迎各位嘉賓蒞臨明長城西端起點,因“天下第一雄關”而命名,被譽爲“湖光山色、戈壁明珠”的嘉峪關市檢查指導工作。我是 , 是嘉峪關市旅遊局工作人員,非常榮幸能夠擔當此次工作。



嘉峪關市公路、 鐵路、航空運輸四通八達,呈立體交通格局,是河西走廊的重要交通樞紐。國道312線高速公路縱貫全境。


嘉峪關市現代化氣息比較濃厚,城市功能完備,市區環境優雅,街道寬敞整潔。商業、旅遊、金融等設施功能配套, 通訊、電力、供排水、供熱、煤氣等設施一應俱全,水資源豐富,電力、煤氣供應充裕,衡量城市綜合實力的主要指標均處於全省領先地位。目前,城市綠化面積1737公頃,綠化覆蓋率36.7%,人均公共綠地面積30.2平方米,人均水域面積16平方米,人居環境明顯改善。




嘉峪關市經濟質量較高,人民生活水平在全省處於領先地位。“”以來,嘉峪關經濟社會發展明顯提速。截止去年度,實現地區生產總值184億元,是“十五”末的2.2倍;人均生產總值達到1.25萬美元,主要人均經濟指標位居甘肅省前列。農民人均純收入達到7865元,比“十五”末淨增3115元,連續七年位居甘肅省首位。先後獲得“中國優秀旅遊城市”、 “國家衛生城市”、“國家環境保護模範城市”、“全國園林綠化先進城市”、“全國雙擁模範城四連冠”等殊榮。20xx年,吳邦國委員長視察我市時,欣然題詞“湖光山色、戈壁明珠”。



嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇2




剛纔我們所經過的路,就位於關溝中。關溝是燕山山脈和軍都山山脈的交會處,南起昌平區南口鎮,西北到延慶縣八達嶺長城的城關,全長40裏。是中原地區通往西北高原的咽喉要道。明代在這裏佈置了四道防線,分別是南口關,居庸關,上關,八達嶺。在關溝中的疊翠山上,曾有金代著名的燕京八景之一居庸疊翠,可惜現在景觀已經不復存在了。 剛纔我們所看到的那條鐵路就是由我們中國人自己設計建造的第一條鐵路,由詹天佑設計的京張鐵路。因爲八達嶺地區地勢複雜,技術難點很多,所以詹天佑所設計的人字型鐵路,成功解決了車不能直接爬坡和轉彎的難題,而打通長達1091米的隧道也令中外人士歎服。現在在青龍橋火車站樹立的銅像就是詹天佑的,還有紀念碑。關溝因爲居庸關而著名,我們可以看到前面宏偉的建築就是居庸關,它的名字起源於秦朝,以秦始皇遷徙“庸徒”在這裏居住所以得名。在關內,有一個著名的漢白玉石臺,就是雲臺。它是元代的一坐過街塔,上邊原來有三座藏式佛塔,在後來的地震中毀壞了。明代又在原處]建立了泰安寺,而在康熙年間又被毀了,只留下現在我們所看到的柱礎和望柱。雲臺的面積有310平方米臺下的券門上刻有獅、象、四不象、金翅鳥等浮雕,分別代表了佛教密宗五方五佛的座騎,還有天龍八部護法天神的浮雕。內壁上還有四大天王浮雕和神獸圖案,券頂上還佈滿了曼陀羅的圖樣,花中刻有佛像,共2215尊。還有六種文字鐫刻的《陀羅尼經咒》和《造塔功德記》,這些都是元代的藝術精品,具有很高的藝術價值。


八達嶺長城是歷史上許多重大事件的見證,例如蕭太后巡幸,元太祖入關,慈禧太后西逃等等,八達嶺都是畢竟之路。說到這裏,還有一個故事要講給大家位於關城東門路旁,有一塊巨石,傳說在1920xx年八國聯軍攻入北京,慈禧在西逃的途中經過這裏,曾經站在這塊石頭上回望京城,所以這塊石頭也就被叫做望京石。但現在這塊石頭已經不那麼突出了。 有一句話大家一定都知道不到長城非好漢。剛纔介紹了那麼多景觀,您一定急切的想來到景區遊覽一番,不用着急,馬上您也要成爲好漢了。好,這裏就是著名的八達嶺長城遠處是壯麗的景色,而往下看就是長城重要的組成部分翁城,他一般都修建在地形險要的交通要道上。翁城兩門之間相距63.9米,西門匾額北門鎖鑰,我在前面已經講過了。東門的匾額爲居庸外鎮,意思是居庸關外又一重鎮。現在我們向右下放看,在登城口的南側陳列着一門大炮,名爲神威大將軍。是崇禎年間製造的。




嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇3

尊敬的各位朋友們: 大家好,我是嘉峪關關城講解員×××,今天我演講的題目是:巍巍雄關耀中華.

這裏, 曾上演過一幕幕民族征戰的歷史話劇;這裏,流傳過一篇篇各民族人民和睦相處,團結奮鬥 的動人故事.巍巍雄關耀中華,古老的嘉峪關,就象一位歷史老人,六百多年來,離合悲歡 的往事,滄海桑田的鉅變,映在它古老的青磚上,刻在它厚重的土牆裏. 嘉峪關,始建於明洪武五年(公元 1372 年) ,因建在嘉峪關西麓的嘉峪山上而得名,它 比"天下第一關"山海關早建九年.這裏地勢險要,南是白雪皚皚的祁連山,北是連綿起伏的 黑山,兩山之間,只有 30 華里,是河西走廊西部最狹窄的地方,被稱作"河西第一隘口".

關西的大草灘, 黃草平沙, 地域開闊, 素爲古戰場,關東是絲路重鎮酒泉, 緊靠關東南坡下, 有著名的峪泉活水,"九眼泉"冬夏澄清,終年不竭,可供人馬飲用,並可灌溉良田.這些優 越的自然條件和險要的地理位置,是這裏建關的主要原因.早在漢代,就在距關城北七裏的 石關峽口設有玉石障,依山憑險,設共防守,據史料記載,明代以前,這裏一直是"有關無 城". 明王朝建立後, 爲了加強河西的軍事防禦, 徵虜大將軍馮勝收復河西后, 在此選址建關, 以控制西去的交通要道.據歷史記載,嘉峪關"初有水而後置關,有關而後建樓,有樓而後 築長城,長城築而後關可守也".

嘉峪關從建關到成爲堅固的防禦工程,經歷了一百六十多 年的時間.明洪武五年(公元 1372 年)首築土城,周長 220 丈,高 2 丈許,就是現在的內 城夯築部分,當時只是有關無樓.明弘冶八年(公元 148 年) ,肅州兵各道李端澄主持在西 羅城嘉峪關正門項修建嘉峪關關樓, 也就是說, 嘉峪關關樓是關城建成一百多年之後方修建 的,史書上記載說:"李端澄構大樓以壯觀,望之四達",又過了 11 年,也就是明正德元年 (公元 1506 年)八月至次年二月,李端澄又按照先年所建關的樣式,規格修建了內城光化 樓和柔遠樓,同時,還修建了官廳,倉庫等附屬建築物.嘉靖十八年(公元 1539 年) ,尚 書翟鑾視察河西防務, 認爲這裏必須加強防務, 於是大興土木加固關城, 在關城上增修敵樓, 角樓等,並在關南關北修築兩翼長城和烽火臺等.至此,一座規模浩大,建築宏偉的古雄關 挺立在戈壁巖崗之上,它像一隊威武雄壯的戰士,屹立在兩山之間,伸出雙臂,牢牢地守衛 着絲綢之路的咽喉要道.

公元 1873 年當時的陝西直隸總督左宗堂在收復新疆伊犁時速經嘉 峪關, 面對雄偉壯觀, 氣勢磅榜的關城, 提筆寫下"天下第一雄關"的巨匾懸掛於嘉峪關樓上, 爲雄關又添了幾分威嚴,幾分雄壯.清末因禁菸而被貶赴伊犁的愛國將領林則徐於 1842 年 10 月 11 日途經嘉峪關時,面對巍巍雄關和大漠風光寫下了著名的詩篇<出嘉峪關感賦)其 中一首寫道: 嚴關百尺界天西,萬里徵入駐馬蹄. 飛閣造連秦樹直,綜垣斜壓隴雲低. 天山峭摩肩立, 瀚海蒼茫人望迷. 誰道堵函千古險,目看只見一九泥. 一生酷愛古詩詞和書法藝術的毛澤東同志曾手書過這首著名的詩篇. 雄關關城佈局十分合理,建築也很得法,適合戰爭防禦的需要,關城有三重城廊,多道 防線,城內有城,城外有壕,形成重城並守之勢,如果敵兵來犯,可確保萬無一夫. 嘉峪關建關六百多年以來,由於風雨侵蝕,曾進行過大規模的修繕.尤其是在 1986 年, 嘉峪關市委,市政府響應鄧小平同志"愛我中華,修我長城"的偉大號召,倡導各界人士捐款 集資,恢復關城.當時,嘉峪關按照國家文物局楊烈等同志指示"修舊如舊,恢復原貌",經 過多方努力,嘉峪關樓終於又屹立於雄偉的關城之上,站在嘉峪關樓上看着關外,由於歲月 侵蝕而變的滄桑的絲路古道, 諸多感慨涌上.

回頭, 曾有這樣一幅對聯記載關樓的滄桑歷史: 歷明清經民國毀於風雨歲月空留遺址,靜觀世事滄桑: 愛中華修長城建在昇平年代恢復原貌,再睹華夏春色. 更值得一提的是長城學專家羅哲文老先生也詩興大發;口占七絕一首: 嘉峪山前起煤城,牆臺高峙氣蕭森 雄關天下今誰主,遊客登樓話古今. 是的,雄關本身的防禦意義早已成爲了過去,而今登上這座氣宇軒昂的關城,人們不僅 爲它的氣勢,它的雄壯,爲祖輩們的智慧所折服,更多的是在思索和尋找.在改革開放,發 展社會主義市場經濟的今天, 如何使這座關城煥發出無比的生命力, 這是歷史賦予我們的責 任和使命, 誰說春風不度玉門關?改革開放的春風早己吹綠了關城內外.

大開發的春風爲關 城的建設推波助瀾. 使機遇與挑戰同時擺在我們面前. 是固守着祖輩留給我們的這筆財富而 滿足於現狀,還是積極探索,尋找差距,開拓進取?事實是最好的口答;關城作爲人類重要 的文化遺產, 當之無愧地被授予甘肅省愛國主義教育基地, 一九九六年被授予全國百家愛國 主義教育示範基地, 今天在實施西部大開發的宏偉戰略中, 雄關又在爭創中國優秀旅遊城市 的活動中找差距,定措施,這些都意味着關城人正以"不到長城非好漢"的精神賦予關城以新 的意義. 嘉峪關人更是信心百倍,在市委,市政府的超常發展戰略指引下,爲關城未來的發展設 計了新的藍圖,在這個新的定位中,創新是靈魂,墨守成規意味着被淘汰,關城深厚的文化 底蘊是吸引海內外人士的磁石, 要讓這顆磁石閃爍出耀眼的光芒, 讓關城在新的歷史條件下 呈現出更加雄偉的風姿,需要我們每一個人的努力.巍巍雄關耀中華.登臨長城,憑弔嘉峪 關曾經的繁華,我們將繼承中華民族堅韌不拔,團結向上的優秀傳統,以飽滿的精神風貌, 開拓未來,創造明天。

嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇4

Jiayuguan City is 6 kilometers southwest of Jiayuguan City. It is locatedin the middle of the narrowest valley of Jiayuguan. The highest terrain is Jiayumountain. The city walls on both sides of the city pass cross the desert Gobi, 8kilometers to the north and 7 kilometers to the south, connecting with the firstpier in the world. It is dominated by the western end of the Great Wall in theMing Dynasty, and has been the first pass in Hexi since ancient times.

Guancheng was built in the fifth year of Hongwu (1372) of Ming Dynasty. Ittook 168 years (1372-1539) from the beginning to the completion of a completepass. It is the most dangerous one among more than 1000 passes under thejurisdiction of nine towns along the great wall of Ming Dynasty, and it is stillwell preserved.

In March 1961, it was listed as the first batch of key cultural relicsprotection units in China by the State Council. Because of the precipitousterrain and majestic architecture, it is known as "the world's majestic pass"and "even the border lock Yin".

Jiayuguan is composed of inner city, outer city and moat. It is closelyfortified and connected with the Great Wall, forming a military defense systemof five li, one flint, ten li, one pier, thirty Li, one fort and one city.

At present, Guancheng is dominated by the inner city, with a perimeter of640 meters, an area of 25000 square meters, and a height of 10.7 meters. It isrammed with loess, and its west side is covered with brick walls, which ismajestic and solid.

There are two gates in the inner city, the east gate is "Guanghua gate",which means Ziqi rises to the East and Guanghua shines; the west gate is"Rouyuan gate", which means to keep the western border stable.

There is a three story hilltop building on the platform. The East and Westgates are surrounded by an urn, and the west gate is surrounded by a Luocheng,which is connected with the north and south walls of the outer city. There is a"Jiayuguan" gate leading to the outside of the gate, and a Jiayuguan building isbuilt on it.

There are also 14 archery towers, enemy towers, turrets, attics and gatetowers on the inner wall of Jiayuguan. There are guerrilla general's mansion,Jingting and Wenchang Pavilion in the inner wall of Jiayuguan. Outside the eastgate, there are related temples, archways and theatres.

The whole building is exquisitely arranged and vigorous, echoing theShanhai Pass, which is "the first pass in the world" thousands of milesaway.

嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇5






嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇6




嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇7

In Jiayuguan, there is a legend in praise of ancient craftsmen. It is saidthat when Jiayuguan was built in the Ming Dynasty, the official in charge gavethe project director a difficult problem and asked him to budget materialsaccurately.

With the help of the craftsmen, the engineering supervisor made accuratecalculations. Results when the project was completed, the bricks, tiles, woodand stone were just used up, leaving only one city brick, which was called "thelast brick".

This brick is still on the eaves of the gate tower of Huiji gate(xiwengcheng gate). Tourists will come to see this "last brick" to arouseadmiration for the wisdom and wisdom of ancient craftsmen.

Since the construction of Jiayuguan, there have been many wars. From 1515to 1522, the Manchurian soldiers in Turpan invaded Hexi several times. At thattime, Jiayuguan was just a lonely city, so that man su'er's soldiers brokethrough the city and raided the local people's cattle and sheep.

It wasn't until 1539 that Jiayuguan was built into a complete militarydefense project. The city of Jiayuguan was locked in the shade while sleeping,and there were bright walls and dark walls. It really became the first pass inthe world.

Today, after the repair of Jiayuguan, we can still see the vigorous anddangerous momentum of the frontier. When we climb the building, we can see thatthe Great Wall is like a dragon floating in the vast sand sea.

Sunny day, or mirage, or plug the scenery, strange scenery, panoramicview.

嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇8

Dear tourists, now our car is driving on the Badaling Expressway, and weare about to enter the Badaling scenic area. The mountain in front is Jundumountain, on which the Badaling Great Wall sits. In the spring and Autumn periodand the Warring States period, the ancient people of our country began to buildthe Great Wall. At that time, the vassals fought for hegemony. In order toprotect their territory from invasion, they built the Great Wall one afteranother on their respective borders, which is called the mutual defense greatwall.

The road we passed just now is in the ditch. Guangou is the intersection ofYanshan Mountains and Jundushan mountains. It starts from Nankou town ofChangping District in the South and ends at Chengguan of Badaling Great Wall inYanqing County in the northwest, with a total length of 40 Li. It is the throatof the Central Plains to the Northwest Plateau. In the Ming Dynasty, there werefour lines of defense, namely Nankou pass, Juyong Pass, Shangguan pass andBadaling pass. On Diecui mountain in Guangou, there was one of the eight famousYanjing sceneries in Jin Dynasty: Juyong Diecui, but now the sceneries no longerexist.

Badaling Great Wall is an outstanding representative of the great wall ofMing Dynasty. Because it extends in all directions, it becomes Badaling. You mayask why the Great Wall was built here? In fact, this is mainly because of theimportant geographical location of Badaling area. It not only guards the Mingmausoleum, but also the northwest gate of the capital.

Badaling Great Wall is the witness of many important events in history,such as empress dowager Xiao's tour, the entrance of emperor Taizu of the YuanDynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi's flight to the west, etc. Here's another story totell: there is a huge stone beside the east gate of Guancheng. It's said that in1900, the Eight Power Allied forces invaded Beijing. Cixi passed here on her wayto escape to the West. She once stood on this stone and looked back at thecapital, so this stone is also called Wangjing stone. But now the stone is lessprominent.

There is a saying that we all know: not to the Great Wall is not a introduced so many landscapes, you must be eager to come to the scenic spotfor sightseeing, don't worry, you will become a hero soon. Well, here is thefamous Badaling Great Wall. In the distance, there is a magnificent ing down, it is Wengcheng, an important part of the Great Wall. It isusually built on the roads with dangerous terrain. The distance between the twogates of Wengcheng is 63.9 meters. The plaque on the west gate is the key to thenorth gate. I have already said that. The plaque of the east gate is: JuyongTown, which means another important town outside Juyong Pass. Now let's lookdown to the right. On the south side of dengchengkou, there is a cannon namedShenwei general. It was made in Chongzhen period.

嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇9






嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇10

Hello, everyone. I'm the announcer of Jiayuguan City. It's majestic andmagnificent. Here, historical dramas of national wars have been staged, andmoving stories of people of all nationalities living in harmony and workingtogether have been spread. The majestic and majestic pass shines in China. Theancient Jiayuguan pass is just like an old man in history. Over the past 600years, the joys and sorrows of separation and the great changes of vicissitudesare reflected on its ancient green bricks and carved in its heavy earthwalls.

Jiayuguan was first built in the fifth year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1372A.D.) and got its name because it was built on the Jiayu mountain at the Westfoot of Jiayuguan. It was built nine years earlier than Shanhaiguan, the firstpass in the world. The terrain here is very dangerous. In the south is the snowcapped Qilian Mountain, and in the north is the rolling Heishan een the two mountains, there is only 30 Li. It is the narrowest place in thewest of Hexi Corridor, known as "the first pass in Hexi". The big grass beach inGuanxi, with yellow grass and flat sand, is an ancient battlefield. In Guandong,Jiuquan, an important town of the Silk Road, is close to the south slope ofGuandong. There is the famous Valley spring water. The "nine eye spring" isclear in winter and summer. It can be used for drinking and irrigating goodfarmland all year round. These superior natural conditions and strategicgeographical location are the main reasons for the establishment of the passhere. As early as the Han Dynasty, a jade barrier was set up at Shiguan gorge,seven Li north of Guancheng. It was built on the mountain to defend againstdanger. According to historical records, before the Ming Dynasty, there hadalways been "no city".

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, in order to strengthen themilitary defense of Hexi, Feng Sheng, the general of the conquering army, tookover Hexi and built a pass here to control the traffic route to the rding to historical records, Jiayuguan "at the beginning there was water andthen there was a pass. It was about building buildings later, building buildingslater, and building the Great Wall later. The Great Wall was built and then thepass could be guarded.". It took more than 160 years for Jiayuguan to become asolid defense project. In the fifth year of Hongwu (1372 A.D.) of Ming Dynasty,the earthen city was first built with a circumference of 220 Zhang and a heightof about 2 Zhang, which is now the rammed part of the inner city. At that time,it was only about no buildings.

In the eighth year of Hongye reign of Ming Dynasty (A.D. 148), LiDuancheng, a soldier of Suzhou, presided over the construction of Jiayuguantower at the main gate of Jiayuguan in xiluocheng. That is to say, Jiayuguantower was built more than 100 years after the completion of the city. Accordingto historical records, "Li Duancheng built the tower with a magnificent view"her 11 years later, that is, the first year of Zhengde reign of Ming Dynasty(A.D From August 1506 to February of the next year, Li Duancheng built Guanghuabuilding and Rouyuan building in the inner city according to the style andspecifications of Guan built in the previous year. At the same time, he alsobuilt auxiliary buildings such as official hall and warehouse. In 1539, ZhaiLuan, the Minister of state, inspected the defense of Hexi. He thought that itwas necessary to strengthen the defense of Hexi, so he built a lot of buildingsto strengthen Guancheng, built enemy towers and turrets on Guancheng, and builttwo wings of the great wall and beacon towers on Guannan and Guanbei.

At this point, a large-scale and magnificent ancient gate stands on theGobi rock. Like a group of mighty soldiers, it stands between the two mountains,stretching out its arms, firmly guarding the throat of the silk road. In 1873,Zuo Zongtang, the then governor of Zhili, Shaanxi Province, was recovering Yilifrom passing through Jiayuguan at a speed of one hour. Facing the magnificentand powerful city of Guancheng, he wrote a huge plaque of "the most powerfulpass in the world" and hung it on the floor of Jiayuguan, adding a bit ofmajesty and grandeur to the pass. Lin Zexu, a patriotic general demoted to Yilifor banning smoking in the late Qing Dynasty, wrote a famous poem "Ode toJiayuguan" when he passed by Jiayuguan on October 11, 1842

Close the gate strictly, and March ten thousand miles to horseshoe.

Feige made even Qin tree straight, Zongyuan oblique pressure Longyunlow.

Tianshan Mountain is steep and stands on one's shoulders, and the vast seaattracts people.

Who blocked the letter for ever? You can see only 19 mud.

Comrade Mao Zedong, who loved ancient poetry and calligraphy all his life,once wrote this famous poem by hand.

The layout of Xiongguan city is very reasonable, and its architecture isalso very proper, which is suitable for the needs of war defense. There arethree city corridors and multiple lines of defense in the city. There are citiesinside the city and moats outside the city, which form a situation of keepingthe city together. If the enemy invades, it can ensure that there is no one.

Since Jiayuguan was built more than 600 years ago, due to wind and rainerosion, large-scale repair has been carried out. Especially in 1986, Jiayuguanmunicipal Party committee and municipal government responded to Comrade DengXiaoping's great call of "love China and build the Great Wall", and advocatedpeople from all walks of life to donate money to raise funds to restoreGuancheng. At that time, according to the instructions of Yang lie and othercomrades of the State Administration of cultural relics, Jiayuguan "repaired theold as the old and restored the original appearance". After many efforts,Jiayuguan tower finally stood on the magnificent city of Guancheng. Standing onthe tower of Jiayuguan, looking out of the pass, there were many feelings aboutthe vicissitudes of the ancient Silk Road due to the erosion of time. Lookingback, there was such a couplet recording the vicissitudes of Guan Lou'shistory:

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the period of the Republic of China,the ruins were destroyed in the stormy years

Love China's slender city construction to restore its original appearancein the era of Shengping and see the spring of China again.

What's more, Luo Zhewen, an expert in the Great Wall studies, also wrote alot of poems

Jiayu mountain from the coal city, wall high stand gas Xiaosen

Who is the master of the world today.

嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇11

Dear tourists, now our car is driving on the Badaling Expressway, and weare about to enter the Badaling scenic area.

The mountain in front is Jundu mountain, on which the Badaling Great Wallsits. In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the ancientpeople of our country began to build the Great Wall. At that time, the vassalsfought for hegemony. In order to protect their territory from invasion, theybuilt the Great Wall one after another on their respective borders, which iscalled the mutual defense great wall.

In China, there were three peaks of building the Great Wall, namely, theQin Great Wall, the Han great wall and the Ming Great Wall. In 221 BC, the firstemperor of Qin unified the Central Plains and established the Qin Dynasty. Inorder to strengthen the rule and defend against the invasion of northern nomads,he sent General Meng Tian 300000 and a lot of labor to connect and expand thegreat wall of Yan, Zhao and Qin in the north. It took nine years to build agreat wall stretching from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East, which isthe first great wall in Chinese history the Great Wall.

In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty built a great wall ofnearly 20000 Li in order to strengthen the defense, "not called Hu Ma Du YinMountain", which also protected the newly developed silk road. The great wall ofthe Han Dynasty was a forward position and defense line of the great wall of theQin Dynasty. It started in the West and reached Liaodong in the East, which wasthe longest Dynasty in the history of China.

The great wall of Ming Dynasty is the highest peak of the Great WallConstruction in the history of China. The great engineering and the finetechnology are unique. In the process of unifying the whole country andestablishing the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang adopted the suggestion of "buildingwalls high, accumulating grain widely and being king slowly". At that time,although the Yuan Dynasty had perished, it still maintained a relativelycomplete military strength, coupled with the continuous invasion of the risingNuzhen people, so it began to build the Great Wall.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall was built 18 times on a large scale. Itwas not completed until the end of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Great Wall, with atotal length of 6350 km, starts from Hushan on the side of Yalu River inDandong, Liaoning Province in the East and ends at Jiayuguan, Gansu Province inthe West. The great wall of Ming Dynasty has three characteristics: completeconstruction, perfect management and strict layout. The Badaling Great Wall wesee today is a part of the Ming Great Wall. Although the original purpose of theGreat Wall in ancient China was defense, it also played other roles.

The first is the military role. The second is the economic role. It notonly promotes the development of farming and the economic development ofNorthern Xinjiang, but also promotes the people of the Central Plains to liveand work in peace and contentment. The third is to promote the integration ofall ethnic groups. In addition, it protects communications and promotes openingup.

It is worth mentioning that in ancient China, there were not only threeexperiences of building the Great Wall. According to statistics, more than 20vassal states and feudal dynasties had built the Great Wall in the past twothousand years. Some people have made rough calculations. If the Great Wall isrebuilt into a big wall with a height of 5 meters and a thickness of 1 meter,there will be more than 10 circles around the earth. Famous Folklore: the GreatWall was also built on the Great Wall.

Today, after several renovations, the Great Wall has basically restored itsformer appearance. In 1987, it was listed in the world cultural heritage list byUNESCO. Moreover, it is also one of the six regions in the world, with a totallength of 10 kilometers. 80000 Li.

The road we passed just now is in the ditch. Guangou is the intersection ofYanshan Mountains and Jundushan mountains. It starts from Nankou town ofChangping District in the South and ends at Chengguan of Badaling Great Wall inYanqing County in the northwest, with a total length of 40 Li. It is the throatof the Central Plains to the Northwest Plateau. In the Ming Dynasty, there werefour lines of defense, namely Nankou pass, Juyong Pass, Shangguan pass andBadaling pass. On Diecui mountain in Guangou, there was one of the eight famousYanjing sceneries in Jin Dynasty: Juyong Diecui, but now the sceneries no longerexist.

The railway we saw just now is the first one designed and built by Chinesepeople, the Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway designed by Zhan Tianyou. Because theterrain of Badaling area is complex and there are many technical difficulties,the herringbone railway designed by Zhan Tianyou has successfully solved theproblem that the car can't climb and turn directly, and the 1091 meter longtunnel has also made people at home and abroad admire.

Now the bronze statue set up in Qinglongqiao railway station is ZhanTianyou's, as well as the monument. Guangou is famous for Juyong Pass. We cansee that the magnificent building in front of it is Juyong Pass. Its nameoriginated from the Qin Dynasty. It got its name because the first emperor ofQin migrated "Yongtu" to live here. In Guannei, there is a famous white marbleplatform, which is Yuntai. It was a street crossing Pagoda in Yuan e were three Tibetan pagodas on it, which were destroyed in theearthquake.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Tai'an temple was built in the original place, butit was destroyed in the Kangxi period, leaving only the plinth and pillar thatwe see now. The cloud platform covers an area of 310 square meters. On theticket door under the platform are relief sculptures of lions, elephants, fourelephants and golden winged birds, representing the mounts of five Buddhas andfive Buddhas of Tantric Buddhism, as well as the relief sculptures of the eightDharma protectors of Tianlong. On the inner wall, there are relief carvings offour heavenly kings and the design of divine beasts. On the top of the ticket,there are Mandala designs. Among the flowers, there are 2215 Buddha statues.

There are also six kinds of inscriptions of the Dharma Sutra and the storyof the merits and virtues of building pagodas, which are fine works of art ofthe Yuan Dynasty and have high artistic value.

Badaling Great Wall is an outstanding representative of the great wall ofMing Dynasty. Because it extends in all directions, it becomes Badaling. You mayask why the Great Wall was built here? In fact, this is mainly because of theimportant geographical location of Badaling area. It not only guards the Mingmausoleum, but also the northwest gate of the capital.

Badaling Great Wall is the witness of many important events in history,such as empress dowager Xiao's tour, the entrance of emperor Taizu of the YuanDynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi's flight to the west, etc.

Here's another story to tell: there is a huge stone beside the east gate ofGuancheng. It's said that in 1900, the Eight Power Allied forces invadedBeijing. Cixi passed here on her way to escape to the West. She once stood onthis stone and looked back at the capital, so this stone is also called Wangjingstone. But now the stone is less prominent.

There is a saying that we all know: not to the Great Wall is not a introduced so many landscapes, you must be eager to come to the scenic spotfor sightseeing, don't worry, you will become a hero soon. Well, here is thefamous Badaling Great Wall. In the distance, there is a magnificent ing down, it is Wengcheng, an important part of the Great Wall. It isusually built on the roads with dangerous terrain.

The distance between the two gates of Wengcheng is 63.9 meters. The plaqueon the west gate is the key to the north gate. I have already said that. Theplaque of the east gate is: Juyong Town, which means another important townoutside Juyong Pass. Now let's look down to the right. On the south side ofdengchengkou, there is a cannon named Shenwei general. It was made in Chongzhenperiod.

Badaling Great Wall is composed of three platforms and two walls. What isthree platforms and two walls? Now let me explain to you that the threeplatforms are city platform and enemy platform. The structure of city platformis very simple, just a place for garrison officers and soldiers to stay awayfrom the wind and cold.

The structure of the enemy platform is relatively complicated. It isdivided into two layers. The lower layer is composed of fields, wells, loops andother shapes. The upper layer has crenels and observation holes for observingmilitary information and archery. Therefore, it also has the function ofdefending the enemy.

Next came the beacon tower, also known as beacon, wolf Yantai. It is anindependent building not connected with the Great Wall. Once the enemy invades,it will light a beacon to inform the military. The ancients said that the smokelit in the daytime is called beacon, and the smoke lit in the evening is calledflint.

In the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between the beacon fire and the enemywas strictly regulated: more than 100 enemies, one smoke and one gun; five whitepeople, two smoke and two guns; more than 1000 people, three smoke and threeguns; more than 5000 people, four smoke and four guns; more than 10000 people,five smoke and five guns. In this way, the military information at the bordercan be quickly transmitted to the imperial city.

Having said that, let's talk about the two walls. The high wall on theoutside of the Great Wall is called Diqiang, which has crenels to defend theenemy. The inner side less than one meter high is called the parapet, also knownas the Yu wall.

In the beginning, there was no parapet inside the Great Wall, but peopleoften fell off the cliff, so this wall was built. At the base of the wall of theGreat Wall, there is a small ditch not far away. On rainy days, the water isdrained from the spout to prevent water from scouring the wall.

And the wall of the Great Wall is made of stone blocks inside, with brickson the outside and stone slabs on the top, which makes the building veryfirm!

嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇12

嘉峪關市位於甘肅省西北部,河西走廊中部,東臨河西重鎮酒泉市,距省會蘭州776公里;西連石油城玉門市, 至新疆哈密650公里;南倚終年積雪的祁連山與肅南裕固族自治縣接壤,與青海相距300餘公里;北枕色如鑄銅的黑山,與 酒泉金塔縣、酒泉衛星發射基地和內蒙額濟納旗相連接,中部爲酒泉綠洲西緣。中心位置爲東經98°17',北緯39°47'。 全市海拔在1412-2722米之間,綠洲分佈於海拔1450-1700米之間,城市中心海拔1462米。 境內地勢平坦,土地類型多樣。城市的中西部多爲戈壁,是市區和工業企業所在地;東南、東北爲綠洲,是農業區, 綠洲隨地貌被戈壁分割爲點、塊、條、帶狀,佔總土地面積的1.9%。

嘉峪關市,是以明代萬里長城西端起點——嘉峪關命名的城市,南有綿亙千里的祁連山雪峯,北有龍首山和馬鬃山,由於其地理位置的特殊性,因此,秦漢以來的歷代王朝都在這裏派兵駐防。 “天下第一雄關”嘉峪關關城,樓閣高聳,巍峨壯觀,與遠隔萬里的“天下第一關”山海關遙相呼應,名動天下。 嘉峪關是古絲綢之路上的重要一站,留下了許多古蹟和珍貴的文物:古拙粗獷的黑山石刻畫像、反映魏晉時勞動人民的生產活動的新城魏晉壁畫磚畫墓、以及我國第一座全面、系統展示長城文化的專題性博物館——長城博物館等。





嘉峪關地處古“絲綢之路”的交通要衝,又是明代萬里長城的西端起點。在這裏絲 路文化和長城文化融爲一體、交相輝映,素有“河西重鎮”、“邊陲鎖鑰”之稱,旅遊資源非常豐富。

這裏有雄偉壯觀的漢代和明代萬里長城、嘉峪關關城、長城第一墩、懸壁長城心臟,以及展現古代遊牧民族社會生活的黑山岩畫 ,國家重點文物保護單位魏晉墓地下畫廊等人文古蹟; 有亞洲距城市最近的七一冰川及祁連積雪、瀚海蜃樓等獨具特色的西部風光,有博大精深的中國第一座“長城博物館”和被譽爲世界三大滑翔基地之一的嘉峪關國際滑翔基地及國家AAAA級關城文化旅遊景區;有西北民俗風情旅遊和討賴河大峽谷探險、沙漠探險、花海魔鬼城探險等具有西部情調的探險旅遊勝地;有乾圓山莊、新城草湖等休閒度假的好去處;此外還有石關峽、黑山湖等多處正在開發的旅遊資源,形成了以嘉峪關關城爲龍頭的四大資源(空中氣流資源、山地冰川資源、陸地資源和地下資源)、八大景點(嘉峪關關城、嘉峪關國際滑翔基地、 長城第一墩、懸壁長城、黑山淺石刻巖畫、長城博物館、魏晉墓地下畫廊、七一冰川),爲旅遊業的發展奠定了資源基礎。



嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇13




嘉峪關導遊詞_嘉峪關關城導遊詞 篇14












