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“文明禮儀伴我行”演講稿禮儀演講稿範文(2) | 返回目錄








最新文明禮儀演講稿範文禮儀演講稿範文(3) | 返回目錄



做文明之人,就要會用文明語,做文明事。再簡單地講就是要懂禮貌,明事理。中國素有“禮儀之邦”之稱,禮貌待人是中華民族的傳統美德。生活在幸福時代的我們,如果不能繼承和發揚這種優良傳統,就不能真正做一個快樂的人。 “良言入耳三冬暖,惡語傷人六月寒”,這句俗話大家要記祝文明禮貌是最容易做到的事,同時也是生活裏最重要的事,它比最高的智慧、比一切的學問都重要。禮貌經常可以替代最珍貴的感情。

我們國小生要做文明之人首先就要着裝得體,符合學生身份,體現出新世紀學生篷勃向上的風采,因爲儀表、儀容、儀態可以讓人一看便知道你的修養。升旗儀式,最爲莊嚴。這凝聚了文明與熱血的國旗,在禮儀的包圍中更顯得鮮豔。此時此刻,國旗下的我們要嚴肅認真、精神飽滿、高唱國歌,不負於“禮儀之邦” 這個美譽。課堂禮儀對老師的教學影響很大,它直接關係着一個班的榮譽與凝聚力,體現這個班的班風班貌。校園禮儀就更重要了,下課後的休息時間,不隨地吐痰、亂扔紙屑、不拿粉筆頭玩、上下樓梯一律右行、見老師和客人要用普通話主動問好。







就國小生而言,最本質的是學會做人,也就是要講文明懂禮儀。 我們身在社會中,身份,角色在不停的變化之中。我們這一刻討厭別人,不一刻往往成 別人討厭的對象。這些無非都是“不拘小節”的行爲所致。當我們身爲遊客的時候,總是依着自己的興致,隨地吐痰、吐口香糖、踩踏草坪。在文物上亂寫亂塗;當我是市民的時候,又對隨地吐痰,亂寫亂畫的現象深惡痛絕。









餐桌禮儀英語演講稿範文禮儀演講稿範文(4) | 返回目錄

modern relatively popular chinese meal etiquette is on traditional mid-north with reference on the basis of foreign manners. its seating to borrow western dinner party for the law, the right first principal guest sat in the guest host, the second on the right or left in master first principal guest right, flexible processing, wine served on the right by guests, after the philippines, master, guthrie female guests first, after male guest. wine, not too full steamy quaver. serving sequence remains tradition, after first cold heat. the guest of hot food should be the opposite seat left; single gets or dishes on the table to have the first point and snacks, top whole chicken bingo, whole duck, whole fish, etc, not plastic food toward are emic head and tail. these programs can not only make the whole process, more make a harmonious and orderly subject-object identity and emotional expression and communication. therefore, table etiquette can make feasts on active complete thoughtful and make the subject-object

both sides get all-round display tutelage.

must wait until all the people here can begin any form of dining activities - even if someone was late, will have to wait. once you are ready, they can do the host. opening during dinner, the host must assume a active role - urged guests enjoy eating and drinking is completely reasonable.

on formal banquet dishes on the way, like the projected slides, every time a dish. surprisingly, rice is not with dishes is alexandrine, but can choose to eat. because dishes have distinguishing feature each, should individual taste, and only eat once from a bowl, not a mixed taste. do not use a bowl dish, can eat. bones and shells class on individual plate. don't clean dishes must often use clean plate is replaced.

a chinese restaurant if no tea table and call no formal. therefore, as storage varieties of tea is wise practices, ensure the most astute taste also care to. relevant tea problem, should pay attention to several pieces of key things. seat should be responsible for the recent teapot for others and yourself zhencha - according to age, zhencha order by the elders to the youth, last pour. when somebody else for you zhencha, protocol should use fingers to knock table, doing so is to thank the zhencha and respect.

certain foods can move chopsticks eyes

zhencha order is very exquisite, young, long after first after first female male

table decoration

the decoration of daily meals in various seating is put on a bowl, a pair of chopsticks, a spoon, a disc of sauces, with meal will usually give guests a hot towel, instead of paper towel wipe hand and wipe your mouth. all the dishes on the table while, each with their own central directly from each disc chopsticks share dishes clip food; the end of a pot of soup in a pot, each with drink soup. guests can come when absolute became a recruit fly like across the river, clip on distant dishes. as the chinese people like all share dishes, their table most is a circle or square, rather than westerners multi-purpose long bar table.

china table manners summarizing chinese table etiquette attributed the following:

a. seated. first guest table etiquette in please. banquet on your seat beside the elders in turn table, seated guests to your seat from the chair left after entering. don't move chopsticks. the more don't get what noise. don't walk up. if you have anything to master greeting.

second, dinner guest, elderly. first when moving chopsticks. clip vegetables every less. from his far of dishes ate less. eat don't drink the soup a voice. also don't make a noise, drink soup spoon nibble the drink the bowl. unfavorable to her mouth, the drink soup too hot drink again later when cold. don't blow sips. some while man eats like to use to chew food. especially hard to chew food, issued a very clear crisp voice. this practice of the etiquette requires is not dine. especially and all, will try to prevent this kind of phenomenon.

third: dine hiccups, don't don't appear other voice, if appear sneezing, such as sound involuntarily satisfactory, will say i'm sorry.; i'm sorry; cool. please. the words of apology. to show within.

the fourth; if you want to give a guest or elders bucai. the . can also gongkuai from guest or elders far dishes came to them, by our chinese nation habit. food is a a upwards. if the table, the old man, the guest leadership have come up a new word. whenever it please them when dish can first move chopsticks. or take turns please them first move chopsticks for them. to show the attention.

fifth: eat fish,

bones and other things, barb, do not go to vomit, also don't go outside thrown on the ground by hand. will slowly take oneself to dish, or put on abuts his table edge or put it on paper h: timely time to talk about people with harmonic atmosphere, witty words. don't eat with bare head, regardless of others, also not gobbled up a meal, more do not drink.

seven: had better not your teeth at the dinner table when your teeth. if you want to, you'll have to use the napkin or hand blocking his mouth.

eight: to clear the main task of the meals. must be clear to talk about business primarily. or to contact feelings primarily. or with dinner. if is mainly, to arrange seat before when the main negotiator will note. the seat near each other facilitate conversation or dredge emotion. if it is. only after need attention of common sense and etiquette went, focusing on the appreciation, dishes

ninth: finally when asked to thank. must master. or just now invite to their home after a guest host
