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大學如何幽默的自我介紹英語作文 篇1



my name is is my english name,which is also the name of my idol.i'm a recommended student from ccfls,in which i have studied for six ng the time i stayed there,i've learned a lot from the teachers who i must thank her school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in a happy family.i was treated as the apple of my family members' eyes since ineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives y,but for their support,i would not be this thanks to my family.i love them all.

i'm an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of 's without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth website address is prensence and guidance are requested.

unlike many other girls,i'm quite good at ming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc. are my spite of my height,i have a good jumping to this,i'm the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our dition,i'm fond of playing chess.i've got a silver medal when i was a ermore,i'm a very versatile o and clarinet are my all get the ninth des,i'm a good organizer and leader in the school activities.i organized many english speech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the cially,i directed an english play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeous success,so that every audience spoke highly of it.i'm very proud of that.

to conclude,i'm sure i won't let you down.i hope that you can give me a chance to study in xiamen university,which is the shrine in my mind, and i'll give you much glory in return. that's k you for your attention.

大學如何幽默的自我介紹英語作文 篇2

I am. Why don't I don't want to Wang Li Zhang? Hoe-scr-r-ritch, such a simple common sense do not understand: because I girl surnamed Zhang!

I won't tell you the name of it, afraid to say you don't remember. You remember my nickname well, I nicknamed "old women Idol". Really you are cheating dog, although I live quite have the courage, but I was too bad. My baby girl was prostrate on the floor cry: "Dad ah, really ugly is not your fault, but you really should not, should not secretly sneaked out of the house to scare people child!" well, look at my silly girl, how do you have to tell the truth? Everybody, I have a ceremony here, please provide more valuable opinions, the next time I must update at birth!

You ask me is male or female? Stewing hens (sorry), this is my personal privacy, I cannot tell you. If I tell you, I'm not a man. What? You want to hit me? I killed also don't say. You put me killed. I also do the opening! Here is my age. My daughter is 7 years old this year, I only like a girl a little old. How much is this a little bit? Hey, is 32 years old.

My daughter is always too short for me. In fact, I'm only a little bit shorter than the famous basketball superstar Yao Ming. How much is that? Hey, it's 60 centimeters

You ask me what is special? Not with you, I have a lot of expertise, the most proud of me is singing and 100 meter dash

I say first tenor singing. That is a thief is good, has long been famous global! Who haunted places have hired me to sing. I just sing one or two words, no matter how terrible the ghost will immediately koutubaimo lying on the ground, dear God, who was a poor devil my beautiful voice to death!

Besides the 100 meter dash. I often carry out intense competition in the East playground and two world famous Chinese female sprint athletes, although tired my left leg fracture right leg cramps, but I fear the strong, her eyes closed all the way, every time with excellent performance won the third you want to know what they are! Good players and I play together?

Before I tell you, you can take to help good, because their fame is too big, I fear that startles you. Please take a look around, see who did not hold anyone who hasn't? Sit? Quickly remind them that it is not a jokeAnd this is a major event in human life! We must seriously listen, who are not allowed to laugh. I really want to say, I want to say now, I say again, if anyone was scared silly I'm irresponsible! Then I will tell you, these two famous athletes ah, one is my wife, my daughter is a!!

大學如何幽默的自我介紹英語作文 篇3

Oh! Glad to meet you. My name is Zhang Mingnai 1000, you want to make friends with me? Don't worry, let me introduce myself.

My age, from birth to now has spent twelve "61" children's day. As for the man, hey, you don't see me not too tall, but my weight is not light, I am now. Ah, yes, the weight should be kept confidential, or I say, you must will laugh, I will go out and see how the acquaintance! Don't look fat, but my facial features look abnormal correct.

Look, a square face, two black eyes were grape like eyes filled with naughty, under the eyes straight nose like sculpture, not big mouth small, and articulate, so dad always said I grew up when I said the five comedy cer, you gave me a nickname - "Five", you don't laugh, tell the truth, I don't want to now and the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of Wu Guanzheng more than one level, my kids can have what level. However, when I grow up. This is something, first not talk about today right.

Speaking of my character, but a top lively little boy, but it is precisely because of this "lively", give me also leads to a series of "story". On one occasion, the teacher in the class thirty-second < a > tide, I suddenly remembered the summer with my dad to the Haining City, watching the tide the scene, so I this mouth cannot hold, until the teacher turned on the blackboard writing, I'll head into the table, just open your mouth, did not think the teacher will suddenly turn around, I end you.

As can be imagined for this talk in class, I do not know how much to criticize a teacher. However, you don't want to underestimate me if you listen to my advantage, will see look cheerful,I have to speak actively in class, homework every time I have very good, each big exam at the top of the school each semester I have praised the "outstanding student cadres" with me. How I can, the advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

To say my hobby, "bookworm" but my another nickname. You see, the morning opened his eyes to read, read the dinner time, every night before going to bed Baoshu often fall asleep, for me, sometimes I read more than dinner are important.

And my bed in addition to the book or books, mom had fun in my life the book of "Besieged City", said I was "faithful simulation of the great Mao Zedong." Oh, I'm flattered, who I also cannot do without let me happy let me worry let me let me enrich the progress of good friend book. In addition, I also very love of calligraphy and painting do not believe, you can come to my house to see, on the wall, there are five of my houseColorful, colorful "masterpiece", make sure your eyes.

This is me, a boy you still love, how do you want to make friends with me?

大學如何幽默的自我介紹英語作文 篇4

木飛,十九歲,男,未婚。1987年1月出生,出生具體座標北緯197.5度,東經36.55度。出生地:醫院 出生後第一件做的事哭,為什麼,因為我一張開眼就看到兩個人在那裏笑的歡,心裏琢磨,偶招惹誰了,嘲笑偶?1987年2月,滿月, 前來為我祝壽的人很多,送紅包的


出生後第一件做的事——哭,為什麼,因為我一張開眼就看到兩個人在那裏笑的歡,心裏琢磨,偶招惹誰了,嘲笑偶?1987年2月,滿月, 前來為我祝壽的人很多,送紅包的人也不少,當時年少,除了見錢眼開外,還很好色——當然是紅色,打開一看,暈,居然只有10塊,心裏巨不爽:你大爺滴,這 麼少,你以為我是三歲小孩啊(好象剛滿月)!1988年1月,我一歲生日,我的死黨小菲前來赴宴(病句),我心裏熱乎,把我最愛的變形金剛送給了她,結果 她——跑了,我極度傷心,我的初戀還沒開始就失敗了,我想。1991年扉月,我進入了託兒所深造,得到教育部門的通知後,我大喜若狂,幼兒園的阿姨叫我飛 仔,我説叫我飛哥行不行?她狂吐!第三月,偶成立了“木飛幼兒園集團”我任CEO(首席執行官)實際操縱了幼兒園的全部股權,次月,由於“尿布風波案”我 迫於壓力下台,公司宣佈破產,我人生的第一次事業宣告失敗,失望! 織夢內容管理系統

1994年9月,我步入了人間天堂——國小。第一天,老師選班幹部要求有意的去講台上演講,我毫不猶豫就上去了,我説我叫木飛,大家 就直笑,我想等我當上班長,有你們哭的日子,我一下台,有一個甜美笑容的丫頭就在幾個男生的起鬨中趨之若騖,她説:我叫小燕子……我就想起了我家房檐下的 哪個燕窩,我問自己:大人為什麼那麼喜歡吃燕窩,不都是泥做的嗎?1997年我四年級,香港迴歸,作為大隊委員會最具魅力和最具潛力的我發表了演説,我 説,香港是我們的兒子,還沒斷奶就被人搶走了,現在他回來了,真是好兒子乖兒子,啊!我們死也瞑目了,我看到校長與班主任等人被我感動的七孔流血,我無比 欣慰,然而對於香港我一無所知,只知道香港腳很臭!1999年我國小畢業了,那天天很藍,藍的象天空一樣,我想起我六年中造的無數多個病句中的一個——今 天天氣好晴朗萬里碧空飄着朵朵白雲。今兒過了,我也一大人了,大人就應該做點大人的事,於是我搓了,搓了一上午,誰發明的麻將,拖出去活埋了,我賭博了, 我是壞孩子了,我想,心裏空空的,那天晚上也沒睡好覺,心想,那二萬他是怎麼糊我的。

20xx年我步入了“舉人”培訓中心學習,看着同學們虔誠的眼光我就想起了我家的那隻狗阿黃,好乖哦,我同桌是個才女,叫小鵑,我想 起一年級鼓起勇氣上台演講結果還是輸給我的小燕子,這兒年女孩子的名字雜都和動物沾親帶故的,媽媽説的母性美是不是那樣D?小鵑寫了很多詩,每次我成了評 審員,有時候,我覺得她寫的好爛,譬如:天,還沒亮,太陽已經出來了……汗!20xx年非典肆掠,我被確認為疑似“疑似病例”,雖然疑似“疑似病例”不是 疑似病例,但我已經很疑似“疑似病例”了,再疑似一點,就真成疑似病例了。我見人便説:我有病,哪知道別人不但不害怕,反爾説:你確實有病,我就納悶兒, 這年頭不怕死的人雜越來越多了。

國中畢業我踏上了一條“不歸路”,説起來有點荒唐,在香港只買了一雙襪子,在武漢的長江大橋下啃西瓜,在廣州的中山大學裏吃冰激凌, 在東莞的超市裏買一瓶可樂看一上午的“三國演義”,在樟木頭的沙灘上把腳埋進沙坑裏,等潮來了拔起腳就跑……我多想實現我的那個小小小願望啊——在海邊兒 有個窩,還有隻小船,上面裝滿人民幣,港元,美元,歐元……

20xx年9月我在金堂最高學府“金堂中學狀元系”讀書,開學典禮上校長振振有辭的説:今天天氣好晴朗,萬里碧空飄着朵朵白雲……暈~ 我突然很懷讀念小時候了,還有那個病句。我加如了學校文學社,那天又要演講,我就想我一生中的演講這麼多,我都成一專家了。我説:我雖然才疏學淺,但是學 富五車;雖然貌不驚人,但是相貌堂堂……我看見主管老師又七孔留血了,我順勢説:好樣的,男兒流血不流淚!那老師差點一命嗚呼了。高中的日子除了無聊外還 很無聊,無聊得我上課時摸出鏡子看我的睫毛是不是長長了。“周——木飛,起來回答問題”我心裏彆扭,幹嘛把“周”字拖的怎麼長,但我想起了一個成語“周 長”之後,突然覺得他講的很有道理,。他叫我回答下句,他説“別有幽愁暗恨生”我不答,他問:你為什麼答不出來了?我説:因為“此時無聲勝有聲”!他狂鬱 悶。我覺得這裏的老師都暴強,數學老師抱着“圓周率”狂背,English老師抱着<<牛勁詞典.20xx年修訂本>>濫背,語 文老師抱着<<古漢語詞典>>悶背,發給學生的參考書多的好象都不收費一樣,高中生最大的消遣可能就是吃飯和睡覺了,有的乾脆給 省了覺得那樣太奢華,家長望子成龍,望女成鳳,我想哪天他們真的成“龍”成“鳳”了不嚇死人?

轉眼到了高二下期,草長“蠅”飛的時候,除了懷念我的公主,可能最大的娛樂就是改變上課時看老師的角度,我覺得語文老師特好欺負,語 文課上我特愛和他叫板兒!我想起二年級外出郊遊,老師問:怎麼來判斷風向呢?誰來給大家演示一下?我毫不猶豫就衝了出來,撿起一塊石頭就往天上拋“啊,老 師,吹的是‘上下風’”我看見老師眼睛都白了。個性自我介紹自我介紹範文


20xx年,也就是今年,我19歲的時候,我去年18歲的時候,我前年17歲的時候,我20xx年前吃奶的時候,面臨人生的重大轉折,我 感觸很多,為此,妹妹對我做了一個專訪:木飛哥,大學聯考了,現在心情怎麼樣?”我説:“緊張,就象女生第一次懷孕樣。”“那你有什麼打算?”“把孩子生下 來!”我説,妹妹狂噴血!大學聯考體檢,醫生叫我把褲子脱了,我紅着臉問她想幹什麼,她説了一句話,我臉馬上就拉下來了,她説:我代你媽抽你……現在我亂七八 糟的寫完了我的個人簡歷,心裏面毛糟糟的,我原來是這麼淘氣的一個人。


大學如何幽默的自我介紹英語作文 篇5




















