
來源:瑞文範文網 2.38W



守則1. Always answer a call promptly. It's always best to answer the phone with a pleasant tone of voice!

即便是接一個普通的電話,也要用令人愉快的聲音,並且快速響應對方!拿起電話的時後,你永遠都要記得主動問好,一句愉快的問候語往往讓溝通更爲順暢。當結束的電話時候,同樣不要忘記說聲"Thank you!"

Most importantly, when you talk on the phone, you should always present your most professional image! 永遠保持自己專業態度和形象很重要!

守則2. Avoid noise and distractions at work! Watch the volume of your voice!


Remember to create a quiet work environment and avoid doing things that pollute the office environment! 你要注意,聲音會嚴重影響到辦公環境,當心不經意的行爲影響到周圍同事對你的態度!

守則3. Never talk with your mouth full!


Please note, good table manners reflect your personality in many occasions! 不要小看餐桌禮儀,它可以透露出一個人真實的個性。

守則4. Take lunch only during the assigned hour and avoid eating at your desk!


Remember, your success depends on the image that you have created for yourself! 切記,你的成功取決於你爲自己建立的形象!

守則5. Avoid bad habits and unconscious movements on the job!

不要將一些個人壞習慣和下意識的動作帶到職場上!許多個人習慣你也許不以爲然,比如說,咬指甲(biting your nails), 摳鼻子(picking your nose)。但辦公室是一個公共場合,這些不雅的行爲往往讓你專業形象大打折扣。

Please make sure to keep your hands away from your face! 摒棄那些惱人的壞習慣吧!儘量不要在公共場合折騰你的面部。

守則6. Avoid habitual tardiness. It's important to show good behavior at work!


Keep in mind that tardiness can have a big impact on workplace relations and make you miss out on a lot of good opportunities! 請牢記,拖拉作風會影響你的人際關係,更可能會讓你錯失職業生涯發展的良機!

守則7. Stay away from talking your career aspirations and personal goals!


Again, be careful with your language in the workplace and try to avoid those types of topics as much as possible! 注意你的用語,遠離忌諱話題,會讓你的工作更加容易和輕鬆。

守則8. Sit up straight at your desk, and it can also help boost your confidence!


For sure, confidence is everything! If you have confidence, everything will work out! 沒錯,自信決定一個人的成敗與否。


Ann. 陳豪去年大學畢業以後,就到北京的美國ABC公司工作。今天他去出席了一個午餐會以後回到公司,還沒有走進自己的辦公室,就被同事Mary叫住了。

(Office ambience)

M:Hey, Chao Hao, I need to talk to you。

C:What's wrong?

M:Did you offer John in the Technology Department a ride to the lunch today?

C:(恍然大悟) 哎喲,我忘得一乾二淨了。

M:He waited a long time for you today!

C:啊呀,害他等我半天。Oh dear, what should I do?

M:Find him immediately and apologize!


M:Apologize, A-P-O-L-O-G-I-Z-E, 就是道歉!


M:不要找出種種理由來解釋。 It's always best to be truthful and sincere when you apologize。





M:寫email 不太好。Email is too impersonal when you need to ask forgiveness。你要道歉最好還是當面說好,更正式一些。


M:That's a good idea

(Making cell phone call)

C:Mary, John沒接電話,所以我給他留了言,說今天忘了帶他去午餐會,我感到很抱歉。這下總算結束了這件事。I'm glad that's over。

M: Over? No way! 留個言就算完啦?不行, 你得做得更慎重一些。



A small gift as a sign of your sincerity。



C:OK, I have an idea! 我去買兩張籃球比賽的票。我跟他一起去.....當然,要是他不再生我氣的話。

M:Great! So remember: when you make mistakes, the best thing is to apologize immediately. When a verbal apology is not enough, write a note and give a small gift.

C: 知道了,我這就去買票。謝謝Mary.

M:You're welcome!


1. Don't interrupt your colleagues. Not only is it disrespectful but it's a sign of "poor social skills".

1. 不要打斷你的同事。這樣不僅失禮,也是你社交技巧不佳的表現。

2. Pull the plug on office chatter. It's okay to bond with your colleagues but when they're walking with you to continue the conversation that's when you know it's too much.

2. 不要在辦公室閒聊。和同事聊會天沒什麼問題,但如果同事走到你身邊繼續會你聊八卦的話,你就該知道有點過了。

3. Don't be loud. It's not just rude, it's intrusive. Keep quiet and you won't invade other people's personal space.

3. 不要大聲。這樣不僅粗魯,還會冒犯到別人。保持安靜,你就不會侵犯別人的私人空間。

4. Don't eat smelly food. It can be very offensive to a coworker, so save the smelly Tuna or bag of buttery popcorn for your down time at home.

4. 不要吃有味道的食物。這樣做很冒犯同事,所以把金槍魚或爆米花留着在家裏吃吧。

5. Don't use slang or text-speak. An email should be handled as a formal letter. And don't forget, emails can be kept on a company's record for years.

5. 不要用俚語或短信傳遞信息。電子郵件應該作爲正式信件處理。別忘了,電子郵件可以被保存在公司記錄裏很多年。

6. Office attire should stay on the conservative side. It's best to be traditional. Still, not all offices are the same so think about who you're meeting with and then plan your wardrobe accordingly.

6. 辦公室着裝應該保守些。最好是傳統着裝。不過,並不是所有辦公室都一樣,所以想想你要和誰見面,然後準備相應服飾。

7. Keep your ring tone under control. The music can be distracting, so it's best to keep your phone on vibrate.

7. 控制電話音量。手機鈴聲會分散注意力,所以最好把手機調成震動。

8. Keep the office clean. Your boss shouldn't have to tell you you have food in the refrigerator that you don't take home, it should get thrown out. Be clean.

8. 保持辦公室清潔。你的老闆不會告訴你這個。如果你在冰箱裏放了食物而且不帶回家,那就應該把它們扔了。請保持乾淨。

9. Don't take personal calls at your desk. If you have to, then it's fine to take a personal call at your desk sometimes, but end it quickly so that you don't disturb those around you — especially if it's an open office space.

9. 不要在辦公桌邊接私人電話。如果你不得不接,那有時候這樣做是可以的,但快點結束通話,這樣不會打擾你周圍的人——尤其在開放式辦公室。

10. Don't come to work if you're too sick. The rule of thumb is if you're contagious you should stay home. But if you just have sniffles you should be at the office. If we took a day off every time we didn't feel well, we'd never be at the office.

10. 如果病太重就不要來上班。經驗之談是如果你有傳染疾病就最好呆在家裏。但如果你只是小感冒,你應該來上班。如果我們每次不舒服時都請假,就別再辦公室混了。
